вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.

Future Thinking
BBC news magazine 


Dear editor,

I am writing to tell you my opinion about your idea of computer games.
Now days most part of teens are absorbed in computer games which always interferes them to do their homework.

Your Uniting commercial game studios and educational groups which are going to aim an embrace gaming technology to transform the learning process and make it more relevant to the demands of the 21st Century is also very useful and good idea..

However for teens playing a computer games and study in this way is necessary creative thing.

I hope that you will create this program to help 21 st century teens, who can not imagine their life without computer technology and facilitate young people studying. 
It will bring a very good result when young people will be interested in such way of studying: I think they will.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Valeria Juskova


пятница, 23 мая 2014 г.



What is the main topic of this article?
How do you think is It true?
Was it difficult to understand the main idea ?
Which problems has Pamela now days ?
Where was born Ms Anderson ?
If you watched a video. Where it was situated ?
Was the actress reached for an interview on Wednesday ?
Was it interesting to know something about Pamela ? 

среда, 21 мая 2014 г.


Missing US woman found after 10 years

Police booking photo of Isidro GarciaIsidro Garcia allegedly forced the young woman to marry him

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A 25-year-old woman who went missing 10 years ago in California has told police she was forced to marry her captor and have his child.
The unnamed woman contacted police shortly after communicating with her sister on Facebook, officers said.
Isidro Garcia, 41, was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of kidnapping, rape and false imprisonment.
Police said in a statement he had been living with the girl's family at the time of her disappearance.
The abuse began in 2004, the statement said, when Mr Garcia was dating the victim's mother and residing with her and her daughters in Santa Ana, a city in Orange County.

At the scene

The couple were known locally as Thomas and Laura, and were popular among neighbours for hosting lavish birthday parties for their three-year-old daughter. "They gave us toys," one little boy said through the fence of an apartment complex in this predominantly Hispanic area. Another neighbour, Maria, showed us photos of the family smiling at church for their daughter's christening. As news trucks clogged the street, people told much the same story, of a family that seemed happy but never got too close to people. They hosted parties but didn't have very close friends. Many just couldn't believe that "Laura" had been abducted a decade earlier. "They were a happy family," Xochitl Castillo said. "She was not a prisoner." Maribel Garcia wasn't as sure. They looked like a normal family, she said, but "Laura" was never allowed to chat for long. "He would give her that look and she would go back inside," she says. "Maybe she was afraid of him."
The police allege that Mr Garcia began sexually assaulting the victim in June of that year, only four months after the girl arrived in the US from Mexico.
In August, he assaulted the victim's mother and drugged the teenager, driving her 26 miles north to Compton, Los Angeles, where she was locked in a garage, say police.
"Over the course of the following months and years, Mr Garcia repeatedly told the victim her family had given up looking for her, and if she tried to go back to them, the family would be deported," police said.
The two moved on several occasions to avoid police detection, and used different identities, the police statement said.
Mr Garcia frequently physically and sexually assaulted the victim, it is alleged, and the two of them worked together at a night cleaning service.
"Even with the opportunity to escape, after years of physical and mental abuse, the victim saw no way out of her situation and lived a life with Garcia under sustained physical and mental abuse," police said.
At a press conference, Corporal Anthony Bertagna of the Santa Ana Police Department told reporters Mr Garcia had "brainwashed" her.
He said that in 2007, he forced the woman into a marriage, using documents he obtained in Mexico, and in 2012 the two had a child.
Anthony BertagnaBertagna of Santa Ana police said the victim's mother had reported her missing and police tried to find her
Recently, she contacted her sister on Facebook and was told that her mother had indeed been trying to find her, using a Spanish language newspaper and television station.
The communication with her sister made her realise she needed to leave, said Mr Bertagna, and on Monday she went to police to report that she was a victim of domestic abuse, and she told them she had been abducted.
The following day, police formally arrested Mr Garcia on suspicion of kidnapping for rape, lewd acts with a minor and false imprisonment. He has not been charged.
Neighbours in the street in Bell Gardens, Los Angeles, where the couple lived in recent years said on Wednesday evening they were stunned by the news, describing them as a happy couple who doted on their young daughter and even hosted parties.
The arrest comes a year after three women who went missing separately about a decade earlier were rescued from a house in Cleveland, Ohio.
Their captor, Ariel Castro, killed himself in prison in September 2013 at the beginning of a life sentence plus 1,000 years.


 Author of this article is Regan Morris

среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.


Future Foresees Eyes In the Back of Your Head

A "blind" tadpole without its native, normal eyes is able to see using a functioning ectopic eye located on its tail.


Having eyes in the back of one’s head has long been the threat of mothers everywhere. But for future generations, that ability may become real. Not only could we have eyes in the back of our head, we could have them on our arms, our shoulders -– even our derrières.
For the first time ever, scientists have shown that eyes transplanted far outside the head in a vertebrate animal were capable of “seeing,” despite having no direct neural connection to the brain.

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This discovery has many implications, especially in the fields of regenerative medicine, sensory augmentation research and bioengineering, say biologists at Tufts University School of Arts and Sciences.
“One of the things that this study showed us is that connecting a sense organ as complex as the eye to the spinal cord is sufficient to confer vision,” Dr. Michael Levin told Discovery News. “So you don’t have to plug in to the actual brain.”
Levin is a professor of biology and director of the Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology at Tufts University. Along with Douglas Blackiston, a post-doctoral associate in Levin’s lab, the two co-authored the study “Ectopic Eyes Outside the Head in Xenopus Tadpoles Provide Sensory Data For Light-Mediated Learning,” recently published in the Journal of Experimental Biology.
For the experiment, biologists surgically removed the eyes of donor tadpoles and grafted them onto the posterior of recipient tadpoles, which induced the growth of ectopic -– or abnormally placed –- eyes. Recipient tadpoles had their natural eyes removed, so only the ectopic, spinal cord-connected eyes remained.

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The team developed a computerized visual training system with quadrants of water illuminated by either red or blue LED lights. Administrators issued a mild electric shock to tadpoles swimming in the red quadrant and used a camera-equipped motion tracking system to record the tadpoles’ subsequent movements.
More than 19 percent of the tadpoles with optic spine-connected nerves showed that they had learned to swim away from the red light. Tadpoles in the blue light swam naturally.
Multiple choice (Finish the sentence)

1. This article is about..
    a. arms and legs
    b. eyes in the back of head
    c. about tropical fish

2. Molecular Fountain discovery has many implications in the...
fields of regenerative medicine    b. sensory augmentation research and bioengineering    c. fields of regenerative medicine, sensory augmentation research and bioengineering

3.Professor of regenerative and developmental biology is...
  a. Levin
  b. Douglas
  c. Brown

4. H
aving no direct neural connection to the brain...
   a. animals can`t see
animal were capable of “seeing,”
   c. you can`t move

For the experiment, biologists surgically removed the eyes ...
  a. of baby
  b. of scientists
of donor tadpoles

6. The team developed a computerized visual training system with quadrants of water illuminated by either
    a. brown or yellow LED lights
    b. red or blue LED lights
    c. red or yellow Led lights

среда, 30 октября 2013 г.


  The headline of thie article I have read is "The D-BOX experience". It was published on friday, 11 may, 2012-12.03. The article was written by John Moran.
  The article is about John Moran`s appinion about D-BOX in the cinema. According to the article I can say that John Moran have a good appinion about it. He describes it with detailes and very interesting.
  The purpose of the article is to provide the reader to go and watch some films by D-BOX. How he has said "So, maybe in a few years’ time it won’t be as popular and people will prefer to watch films in the traditional 2D format – no glasses, no moving seats, just the film. However, for now, it’s the new craze."
Valeria Juskova 

понедельник, 1 апреля 2013 г.

A short legent

The coward wolf whose tears turn things to stone.

Once in the far distant of forest where  the person foot  didn't  step,  lives one unusual wolf.
It was unusual because it was very cowardly animal. This wolf should  heard only rustle or whistle as right there, he was frightened.
 It seems to  be strange but all were afraid of it. Because when it was a little baby the sorcerer bewitched it.
And now each time when it is very frightened it cries, and it`s tears turn things to stone.
  But there is only one opportunity to stop it, wolf must sell it`s sight to a devil.
    For such serious act wolf was very coward.
The days were going.. Every day frightened wolf was crying and it`s tears turned the things and animals to stones.  It was very frightened and unhappy.
A lot of  years had gone, but wolf was as before same coward. Once at night when moon was full, it sets in night calm and thought : “Now I am old, but all the same coward.. I think the time came to decide to give my sight to a devil. Because forces abandon me and I feel that soon I will die. I want to have quiet old age. “
At that night it solved finally.
Next day it went to a flaring volcano, there a devil was waiting it. Devil was happy that wolf came to him, without words it deprived of its sight.
 At now days blind old wolf is sitting near flaring volcano, and  also doesn't do more harm.