среда, 15 декабря 2010 г.

The History of Christmas. "Candy canes".

During the 17th century, craftsmen created white sticks of candy in the shape of shephreds' crooks at the suggestion of the choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany. The candy treats were given to children to keep them quiet during ceremonies at the living creche, or Nativity scene, and the custom of passing out the candy crooks at such ceremonies soon spread throughout Europe.
More recent explanations of the candy cane's symbolism hold that the color white represents Christ's purity, the red the blood he shed, and the presence of three red stripes the Holy Trinity. While factual evidence for these notions does not exist, they have become increasingly common and at times are even represented as fact. Regardless, the candy cane remains a favorite holiday treat and decoration.

воскресенье, 24 октября 2010 г.

Test 8. Present Simple / Present Continuous.

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. B.B
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. A.B

Test 9.

1. A
2. B ( Jill speaks for five languages.)
3. A
4. B ( My brother smoks 20 sigarets a day.)
5. B ( I don`t understand about what he is speaking.)
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. B ( I`m looking out ,but I haven`t seen him)
10. B ( I remember thaht last holidays we have had in France a few years ago.)
11. B ( How much does it costs to send a letter to Praris?)
12. B ( My perents never drink coffee.)
13. A
14. A
15. B ( What do you think about this novel?)
16. A
17. B ( I hope Mag comes out from hospital.)
Test 6. Present Simple (6).

1. whose
2. who
3. where
4. How much
5. when
6. why
7. which
8. who
9. what
10. what
11. how many
12. what
14. don`t have
15. don`t see
16. doesn`t smoke
17. don`t know
18. have Pete got
19. doesn`t like
20. look

Test 5. Present Simple (5).

1. Does your brother live in Moscow?
    No, he doesn`t. He lives in Kiev.
2.  There is a policeman at the door.
3. Do you like reading books?
    Yes, I do. I like to read very much.
4. She is preatty and friendly.
5. There are some mistakes in your dictation.
6. Where is the nearest bus stop, please?
7. Did the shops open at 8 o`clock?
     No,they did closed.
8. It sounds interesting.
9. You are a teacher, aren`t you?
10. The Hays seems to be a really happy family.
11. When it is cold, we put on warm clothes.
12. Is that hotel expensive.
13. He thinks he is right.
14. The sweater is nice, the trousers is nice, too.
15. Bad news travels fast.
16. My hear isn`t clean. I must wash it.
17. Mary taught Mathematics at school.
18. There is a programme for youth and two films on TV.

суббота, 23 октября 2010 г.

Simple tenses- present,past.

Task 1.

1. always
2. last summer
3. usually
4. in 2004
5. sometimes

Task 2.

1. Does she dances well? / She doesn't danced well.
2. Do you love him? / I don't love him.
3. Could you speak Franch? / I couldn't speak Freanch.
4. Has Tom got a lot of money? / Tom hasn't got a lot of money.
5. Where does Jack live? / Jack doesn`t live in London.
6. How much does it cost? / It doesn`t cost 50 eek.
7. Has he always late? / He hasn`t always late.
8. Where does Sandra work in? / Sandra doesn`t work in bank.

Task 3.

1. She wakes up at 6 o`clock.
2. Then she makes the bed and dress.
3. After than she brushs her teeth and has her breakfast.
4. She says good-bye to her parents and went to school.
5. At school she studys very well.

Task 4.

1. I was at school from 8 till 3 in the afternoon.
2. Tom drank his tea with milk.
3. We didn`t go swimming in the pool.
4. Fred was played volleyball and basketball.
5. Did Alice like jogging?
6. He wasn`t hungry.
7. Grandmother didn`t wake up very early.
8. Father drove a Porche.
9. I made very good muffins.
10. They have visited their friends.

Task 5.

1. went.
2. cleans
3. brushs
4. hasn`t visited
5. haven`t watched
6. invented
7. sold
8. haven`t see
Test 44. Degrees of Comparison (2).

1. c                8. b              15. b   
2. a                9. a              16. c
3. a               10. c            17. b                 
4. b               11. b            18. b
5. b               12. a             19. a
6. a               13. b            20. b 
7. c               14. c                                                  

Test 43. Degrees of Comparison (1)

1. A

среда, 13 октября 2010 г.

It is Demi Lovato. She is 18 years old. Demi is a popular singer and she is very preatty. She was born August , 20 in 1992.
 She has brown eyes and brown hair. She has a veru nice smail. In this picture she is very happy.  She is wearing a T-skirt and a skirt. In her neck we can see a necklace. And she is wearing an armlet on her arm. On her waist is so beautiful gold belt.
 Lovato is a vegetarian.
 Her career is singing. Demi began her acting career at the age of seven. She can play in guitar.
Sometimes Demi write books.
 Her dream is to go to Camp Rock, but her family don't have a lot of money.
 In an interview Demi lovato say that she has some problems in the seven form. All children call named her. And than she beged her mother to leaving school. It was a very hard time to Demi.
 Demi is the preattiest pop singer at now days.!!