воскресенье, 24 октября 2010 г.

Test 6. Present Simple (6).

1. whose
2. who
3. where
4. How much
5. when
6. why
7. which
8. who
9. what
10. what
11. how many
12. what
14. don`t have
15. don`t see
16. doesn`t smoke
17. don`t know
18. have Pete got
19. doesn`t like
20. look

Test 5. Present Simple (5).

1. Does your brother live in Moscow?
    No, he doesn`t. He lives in Kiev.
2.  There is a policeman at the door.
3. Do you like reading books?
    Yes, I do. I like to read very much.
4. She is preatty and friendly.
5. There are some mistakes in your dictation.
6. Where is the nearest bus stop, please?
7. Did the shops open at 8 o`clock?
     No,they did closed.
8. It sounds interesting.
9. You are a teacher, aren`t you?
10. The Hays seems to be a really happy family.
11. When it is cold, we put on warm clothes.
12. Is that hotel expensive.
13. He thinks he is right.
14. The sweater is nice, the trousers is nice, too.
15. Bad news travels fast.
16. My hear isn`t clean. I must wash it.
17. Mary taught Mathematics at school.
18. There is a programme for youth and two films on TV.

1 комментарий:

  1. Test 6.
    4. how many bottles
    11. how much money
    12. which

    Test 5.
    7. are, are
    10 seem
    14. the trousers are множественное число
    17. teaches
